Monday, 29 December 2008

Differences between cavern and cave diving

Cavern diving is the exploration of permanent, naturally occurring overhead environments while remaining within sight of their entrances. It differs from cave diving in that, while cave divers may penetrate thousands of yards, cavern divers generally go no further than 130 feet from the surface. Additionally, cavern divers keep the entrance clearly in sight at all times, and use a guideline so that, should sight of the entrance be accidentally lost, divers can immediately regain it.
Because the risks that cavern divers must manage are not significantly greater than they experience in open water, cavern divers are able to use much the same equipment as they use in open water. Being in underwater caverns requires that divers make a few modifications to their equipment; however, most divers say that these modifications make their open-water diving easier and more enjoyable.

Cave divers, on the other hand, use highly specialized equipment to reduce the risks they encounter to an acceptable level.

The benefits of Cave Diver training are not limited solely to the ability to safely explore underwater caverns and caves. Most cave divers say that they learn more practical information about diving in just the first few days of Cave Diver training than in any other course they have taken-including instructor courses! The specialized buoyancy control, body position and propulsion techniques taught in Cave Diver courses create very environmentally sound divers.

My advise to you, if you are a diver interested in diving this environment, is to try Cavern diving first to see if its for you. If you are already an experienced diver or a technical scuba diver and wish to advance your diving skills then taking a Cave training course is an excellent way to do it and one you'll always remember.